Active    As on: 21 November, 2023    Update Info    Print    Share


Smt. Nirmal Goat Farm Limited is a listed public company incorporated on 10 June, 1999. It is classified as a public limited company and is located in Nagpur, Maharashtra. It's authorized share capital is INR 1.00 lac and the total paid-up capital is INR 10,000.00 .

The current status of Smt. Nirmal Goat Farm Limited is - Active.

Details of the last annual general meeting of Smt. Nirmal Goat Farm Limited are not available. The company is yet to submit its first full-year financial statements to the registrar.

The Corporate Identification Number (CIN) of Smt. Nirmal Goat Farm Limited is L01200MH1999PLC120265. The registered office of Smt. Nirmal Goat Farm Limited is at AC-19. NEW INDORA, JARIPATKA,, NAGPUR, Maharashtra.

No financial reports available
Tofler has no financial reports to provide on this company due to unavailability of financial information. There could be two likely reasons for that.
One, the company is not active and operating under this name (please check status mentioned below the company name). This could be because it was closed, merged, struck off or is in the process of closing.
Second, it was very recently formed (please check incorporation date) and financial information is not available yet.
You could, however, see its basic information and its directors by scrolling down.

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Incorporation Date / Age

10 June, 1999 / 25 yrs

Last Reported AGM Date

Not Available

Authorized Capital

INR 1.0 Lacs

Paidup Capital

INR 0.1 Lacs


Agriculture and Allied Activities


Listed Public Company


Company limited by Shares


Non-govt company

Email Address

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Website not known. Click here to let us know.

Registered Address

NAGPUR - 440014
Maharashtra - India

How to download SMT. NIRMAL GOAT FARM LIMITED report

A Company report by Tofler is an easy-to-read PDF report that includes company's financial information, ratio analysis, management, group structure, shareholding pattern and more. Such reports can be bought from company pages at Tofler (Sample) or can be downloaded from Company360. Here is the video showing how a report downloaded from Company360 looks like.

SMT. NIRMAL GOAT FARM LIMITED - Registration Details
Incorporation Date / Age10 June, 1999 / 25 yrs
Last Reported AGM DateNot Available
Authorized CapitalINR 1.0 Lacs
Paidup CapitalINR 0.1 Lacs
industry*Agriculture and Allied Activities
typeListed Public Company
categoryCompany limited by Shares
subcategoryNon-govt company
Email Address
Registered AddressAC-19. NEW INDORA JARIPATKA, NAGPUR - 440014 Maharashtra - India


No directors to view

Previous Names

No previous names were found for this company.

Previous CINs

No previous CINs were found for this company.


TAV SHEEP AND GOAT FARM PRIVATE LIMITED It was formed in year 2023 in Karnataka . The company currently has a paid up capital of INR 10,000.00 .
2023 Karnataka 10,000.00 Buy financial reports
ADONAI THE GLOBAL SUPPLIER PRIVATE LIMITED It was formed in year 2022 in Andhra Pradesh . The company currently has a paid up capital of INR 10,000.00 .
2022 Andhra Pradesh 10,000.00 Buy financial reports
GAU TIRTHA FOUNDATION It was formed in year 2013 in Gujarat . The company currently has a paid up capital of INR 10,000.00 .
2013 Gujarat 10,000.00 Buy financial reports
NELAMANGALA SHEEP AND GOAT FARMER PRODUCER COMPANY LIMITED It was formed in year 2023 in Karnataka . The company currently has a paid up capital of INR 10,000.00 .
2023 Karnataka 10,000.00 Buy financial reports
BAMBOOSA AGRO INNOVATIONS (OPC) PRIVATE LIMITED It was formed in year 2024 in Maharashtra . The company currently has a paid up capital of INR 10,000.00 .
2024 Maharashtra 10,000.00 Buy financial reports
KALIDASA SHEEP AND GOAT FARMERS PRODUCER COMPANY LIMITED It was formed in year 2021 in Karnataka . The company currently has a paid up capital of INR 10,000.00 .
2021 Karnataka 10,000.00 Buy financial reports
AREN FARMS PRIVATE LIMITED It was formed in year 2022 in Telangana . The company currently has a paid up capital of INR 10,000.00 .
2022 Telangana 10,000.00 Buy financial reports
RAJENSA LIVESTOCK PRIVATE LIMITED It was formed in year 2022 in West Bengal . The company currently has a paid up capital of INR 10,000.00 .
2022 West Bengal 10,000.00 Buy financial reports
NIVIKART AGRO INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED It was formed in year 2020 in Bihar . The company currently has a paid up capital of INR 10,000.00 .
2020 Bihar 10,000.00 Buy financial reports
GAU DEN ORGANIC PRIVATE LIMITED It was formed in year 2019 in Chattisgarh . The company currently has a paid up capital of INR 10,000.00 .
2019 Chattisgarh 10,000.00 Buy financial reports


No Indian subsidiary companies found.


Company Network • Tofler Business Research Platform
How to use company network of SMT. NIRMAL GOAT FARM LIMITED

Tofler Company network is a powerful feature that allows you to explore and discover common directorships between companies. It helps you find out other directorships of an Indian director and where else he has business interests. The feature is available for unlimited use in Company360 platform. Here is the video showing how you can explore company networks to discover hidden relationships between companies.


  • What is the Incorporation date of SMT. NIRMAL GOAT FARM LIMITED?

    The Incorporation Date of SMT. NIRMAL GOAT FARM LIMITED is 10 June, 1999.

  • What is authorized share capital of SMT. NIRMAL GOAT FARM LIMITED?

    The authorized share capital of SMT. NIRMAL GOAT FARM LIMITED is INR 1.0 Lacs.

  • What is the paid-up capital of SMT. NIRMAL GOAT FARM LIMITED?

    The paid up capital of the SMT. NIRMAL GOAT FARM LIMITED is INR 0.1 Lacs.

  • What is the registered address of SMT. NIRMAL GOAT FARM LIMITED?

    The registered address of SMT. NIRMAL GOAT FARM LIMITED is AC-19. NEW INDORA
    NAGPUR - 440014
    Maharashtra - India.

  • What is the CIN number of SMT. NIRMAL GOAT FARM LIMITED?

    The CIN number of SMT. NIRMAL GOAT FARM LIMITED is L01200MH1999PLC120265.

  • Who are the directors of SMT. NIRMAL GOAT FARM LIMITED?

No financial reports available
Tofler has no financial reports to provide on this company due to unavailability of financial information. There could be two likely reasons for that.
One, the company is not active and operating under this name (please check status mentioned below the company name). This could be because it was closed, merged, struck off or is in the process of closing.
Second, it was very recently formed (please check incorporation date) and financial information is not available yet.
You could, however, see its basic information and its directors by scrolling down.

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