Nagesh Basavanhalli is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs as a Director in Indian Companies. The DIN (Director Identification Number) of Nagesh Basavanhalli is 01886313.
Currently, he/she serves as a director in 5 Companies in India. The companies he/she is associated with are from various industries such as , Health and Social Work, Trading, Community, Personal and Social Services, Manufacturing (Metals & Chemicals and their products) etc.
Following are the directorship details of Nagesh Basavanhalli
PEAK 15 ADVISORS LLP | Director | 19 July 2023 | Buy financial reports | |
BREACH CANDY HOSPITAL TRUST | Health and Social Work | Director | 20 June 2017 | Buy financial reports |
GREAVES ELECTRIC MOBILITY PRIVATE LIMITED | Trading | Director | 9 October 2018 | Buy financial reports |
GREAVES COTTON LIMITED | Community, Personal and Social Services | Director | 27 September 2016 | Buy financial reports |
GREAVES TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED | Manufacturing (Metals & Chemicals and their products) | Director | 28 September 2016 | Buy financial reports |
Other individuals who might be associated with Nagesh Basavanhalli are:
NAME | DIN (Director Identification Number) |
Ramadorai Subramanian | 00000002 |
Humayun Dhanrajgir | 00004006 |
Karan Thapar | 00004264 |
Anand Gopal Mahindra | 00004695 |
Deepak Shantilal Parekh | 00009078 |
Rajashree Birla | 00022995 |
Harsh Vardhan Goenka | 00026726 |
Keki Bomi Dadiseth | 00052165 |
Jamshyd Naoroji Godrej | 00076250 |
Monika Garware | 00143400 |
Mehli Kersasp Mistry | 00344555 |
Uday Suresh Kilachand | 00627820 |
Raja Venkataraman | 00669376 |
Kulsum Nasreen Ardeshir Dubash | 00710509 |
Firdose Vandrevala | 00956609 |
Mangalath Unnikrishnan | 01460245 |
Venkataramani Sumantran | 02153989 |
Arup Basu | 02325890 |
Ravi Moti Kirpalani | 02613688 |
Jayanthi Yeshwant Kumar | 02647841 |
Sree Kirat Patel | 03554790 |
Pallon Mistry | 05229734 |
Kunnakavil Vijaya Kumar | 06630397 |
Suman Nelluri | 06793115 |
Akhila Balachandar | 07676670 |
Mohammad Arshi Abrar Khan | 08519311 |
Tevilyan Yudhistira Rusli | 09645492 |
Rohit Jawa | 10063590 |
Basavanhalli Rashmi | 10245677 |
*Industry classification is inferred. If the company has changed line of business without intimating the Registrar or is a diversified business, classification may be different. We make no warranties about accuracy of industry classification
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