Dhananjay Vithal Nigudkar is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs as a Director in Indian Companies. The DIN (Director Identification Number) of Dhananjay Vithal Nigudkar is 00026927.

Currently, he/she serves as a director in 2 Companies in India. The companies he/she is associated with are from various industries such as Manufacturing (Metals & Chemicals and their products), Manufacturing (Chemicals and chemical products) etc.

Following are the directorship details of Dhananjay Vithal Nigudkar

HALOGEN GLOBECHEM PRIVATE LIMITED Manufacturing (Metals & Chemicals and their products) 2021 Active Director 6 November 2021 17 January 2023 Buy financial reports
HALIDES CHEMICALS PRIVATE LIMITED Manufacturing (Chemicals and chemical products) 1995 Active Director 10 April 1995 17 April 2023 Buy financial reports

Other individuals who might be associated with Dhananjay Vithal Nigudkar are:

NAMEDIN (Director Identification Number)
Shilaja Dhananjay Nigudkar00026986
Sameer Dhananjay Nigudkar02205912
Sanket Dhananjay Nigudkar02227184
Dilip Madhukar Gokhale03083226
Apoorva Sameer Nigudkar05157108
Gauri Sanket Nigudkar06623957

FAQ - Dhananjay Vithal Nigudkar

  • How many companies is he/she appointed as director?

    Dhananjay Vithal Nigudkar serves as a director in 2 Companies in India.

  • What is the DIN of Dhananjay Vithal Nigudkar?

    The DIN of Dhananjay Vithal Nigudkar is 00026927.

  • Which is the longest holding directorship of Dhananjay Vithal Nigudkar?

    The longest directorship of Dhananjay Vithal Nigudkar is with HALIDES CHEMICALS PRIVATE LIMITED.

*Industry classification is inferred. If the company has changed line of business without intimating the Registrar or is a diversified business, classification may be different. We make no warranties about accuracy of industry classification

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