Kabir Mathur is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs as a Director in Indian Companies. The DIN (Director Identification Number) of Kabir Mathur is 08635072.
Currently, he/she serves as a director in 3 Companies in India. The companies he/she is associated with are from various industries such as Finance, Manufacturing (Machinery & Equipments), Insurance etc.
Following are the directorship details of Kabir Mathur
IIFL HOME FINANCE LIMITED | Finance | Director | 22 August 2022 | Buy financial reports |
MPHASIS LIMITED | Manufacturing (Machinery & Equipments) | Director | 20 December 2021 | Buy financial reports |
ADITYA BIRLA HEALTH INSURANCE CO. LIMITED | Insurance | Director | 21 October 2022 | Buy financial reports |
Other individuals who might be associated with Kabir Mathur are:
NAME | DIN (Director Identification Number) |
Srinivasan Sridhar | 00004272 |
Sethurathnam Ravi | 00009790 |
Nirmal Bhanwarlal Jain | 00010535 |
Venkataraman Rajamani | 00011919 |
Pinky Atul Mehta | 00020429 |
Mohan Sekhar | 00032093 |
Nitin Rakesh | 00042261 |
Sushil Agarwal | 00060017 |
Davinder Singh Brar | 00068502 |
Vishakha Vivek Mulye | 00203578 |
Ram Narayanan Colathur | 00211906 |
Nandakumar Jairam | 00321693 |
Mathew Joseph | 01033802 |
Venkataramanan Anantharaman | 01223191 |
Amit Dixit | 01798942 |
Ramakrishnan Subramanian | 02192747 |
Nelavelli Koteswara Prasad | 03564431 |
Pankaj Sood | 05185378 |
Amit Dalmia | 05313886 |
Mayank Bathwal | 06804440 |
Sukanya Kripalu | 06994202 |
Dhananjaya Tambe | 07260971 |
Jan Kathleen Hier | 07360483 |
Monu Ratra | 07406284 |
Asokan Moonsamy Cunniah Naidu | 07425396 |
David Lawrence Johnson | 07593637 |
Marshall Jan Lux | 08178748 |
Navin Puri | 08493643 |
Johannes Hendrik Viljoen | 08588761 |
Mohua Mukherjee | 08714909 |
Courtney Karlan Della Cava | 09380419 |
Maureen Anne Erasmus | 09419036 |
Sunil Kumar Gulati | 10473127 |
*Industry classification is inferred. If the company has changed line of business without intimating the Registrar or is a diversified business, classification may be different. We make no warranties about accuracy of industry classification
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