Suresh Tapuriah is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs as a Director in Indian Companies. The DIN (Director Identification Number) of Suresh Tapuriah is 00372526.
Currently, he/she serves as a director in 18 Companies in India. The companies he/she is associated with are from various industries such as Finance, Manufacturing (Machinery & Equipments), Business Services, Trading, Wholesale trade and commission trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles, Construction, Recreational, cultural and sporting activities, Manufacturing (Chemicals and chemical products), Health and Social Work, Community, Personal and Social Services etc.
Following are the directorship details of Suresh Tapuriah
Other individuals who might be associated with Suresh Tapuriah are:
NAME | DIN (Director Identification Number) |
Kumar Mangalam Birla | 00012813 |
Sunilkumar Jagdishprasad Adukia | 00020049 |
Rajashree Birla | 00022995 |
Askaran Agarwala | 00023684 |
Harisingh Shyamsukha | 00033325 |
Ashwin Pannalal Kothari | 00033730 |
Rakesh Khanna | 00040152 |
Vallabh Prasad Biyani | 00043358 |
Sureshkumar Vazhathara Vasudevan | 00053859 |
Vikram Krishnakumar Somani | 00054310 |
Rohit Ashwin Kothari | 00054811 |
Nikate Khaitan | 00069078 |
Bharat Somani | 00286793 |
Naveen Bhatter | 00288230 |
Gangaprasad Murlidhar Loyalka | 00299416 |
Pradeep Kumar Jajodia | 00376220 |
Vijay Laxmi Tapuriah | 00395969 |
Ramesh Chandra Tapuriah | 00395997 |
Sunil Kumar Daga | 00441579 |
Sangeeta Maheswari | 00469584 |
Vishnu Kumar Rathi | 00656642 |
Prakash Malhotra | 01098476 |
Rachana Rahul Morarka | 01586146 |
Gaurav Shyamsukha | 01646181 |
Rajshree Suresh Tapuriah | 01655859 |
Mangala Prakash Malhotra | 02449712 |
Gaurav Gupta | 03131661 |
Rupal Anand Vora | 07096253 |
Anil Vitthal Londhe | 08148557 |
Vikas Bhaskar Kulkarni | 08180938 |
Neha Bandyopadhyay | 08591975 |
*Industry classification is inferred. If the company has changed line of business without intimating the Registrar or is a diversified business, classification may be different. We make no warranties about accuracy of industry classification
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