Rohit Kochhar is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs as a Director in Indian Companies. The DIN (Director Identification Number) of Rohit Kochhar is 00005094.
Currently, he/she serves as a director in 10 Companies in India. The companies he/she is associated with are from various industries such as Construction, Trading, Manufacturing (Machinery & Equipments), Business Services, Research and Development, Computer Related Services etc.
Following are the directorship details of Rohit Kochhar
Rohit Kochhar was also associated with the below-mentioned companies that have been now striked off from the Register of Companies.
MAGNA DONNELLY SYSTEMS & ELECTRONICS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED | Manufacturing (Machinery & Equipments) | Director | 8 July 2008 | Buy financial reports |
EDESIA MEDIA PRIVATE LIMITED | Manufacturing (Paper & Paper Products; Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media) | Director | 2 July 2013 | Buy financial reports |
CELEBIT TECHNOLOGY PRIVATE LIMITED | Manufacturing (Machinery & Equipments) | Alternate director | 15 June 2015 | Buy financial reports |
WIRECO WORLDGROUP INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED | Business Services | Director | 25 February 2014 | Buy financial reports |
Other individuals who might be associated with Rohit Kochhar are:
NAME | DIN (Director Identification Number) |
Ashok Kumar | 00054771 |
Manishi Pathak | 00074992 |
Janmejay Rai | 00298981 |
Subodh Sadana | 00332416 |
Neeru Goel | 00362035 |
Sergio Alonso Cadavid | 01052401 |
Girdhari Lal Nassa | 01407095 |
Nigel Granville Page | 01437697 |
Michael David Michaux | 01437727 |
Alok Tewari | 01690916 |
Robert Cochrane Kennedy | 01934323 |
Gerald Jeffrey Heinz | 02222882 |
Anoop Kumar Mehrotra | 02353302 |
Mark Eugene Sweeney | 02370764 |
Sonali Kochhar | 03259498 |
Priyanka Gupta | 03268237 |
Joseph Gerard Necastro | 03398627 |
James Keith Mc Kinnish | 05341950 |
Cynthia Loren Gibson | 06440233 |
Wolfgang Oswald | 06458288 |
Daksh Jindal | 06517246 |
Menaka Sawhney | 06798488 |
Faraz Ahmad Khan | 06815860 |
Amit Soni | 07264787 |
. Vaibhav | 09679143 |
Joseph Richard Pineau | 10586531 |
*Industry classification is inferred. If the company has changed line of business without intimating the Registrar or is a diversified business, classification may be different. We make no warranties about accuracy of industry classification
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