Ramulu Kaveti is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs as a Director in Indian Companies. The DIN (Director Identification Number) of Ramulu Kaveti is 08791039.
Currently, he/she serves as a director in 2 Companies in India. The companies he/she is associated with are from various industries such as Agriculture and Allied Activities etc.
Following are the directorship details of Ramulu Kaveti
TELANGANA STATE HORTICULTURE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LIMITED | Agriculture and Allied Activities | Director | 19 November 2019 | Buy financial reports |
TELANGANA STATE AGRO INDUSTRIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LIMITED | Agriculture and Allied Activities | Director | 19 November 2019 | Buy financial reports |
Other individuals who might be associated with Ramulu Kaveti are:
NAME | DIN (Director Identification Number) |
Poonam Malakondaiah | 02255286 |
Verriboyana Nagendra Vishnu | 02724877 |
Prashant Kumar Pandey | 06765131 |
Suryaprabha Tadepalli | 07006137 |
Venkata Sesha Sai Prasad Chunduri | 07074093 |
Reddy Danda Raji | 07092160 |
Gone Diana Priyadarshini | 07126066 |
Lakshmibai Gurrala | 07731205 |
Sailaja Javvadi | 08291652 |
Nagpal Chirkutrao Lohakare | 08660557 |
Raghunandan Rao Manikonda | 09282404 |
Bhagwan Arava | 09464229 |
Manthripragada Hanumantha Rao | 09773700 |
Poli Naidu Reddi | 10385216 |
*Industry classification is inferred. If the company has changed line of business without intimating the Registrar or is a diversified business, classification may be different. We make no warranties about accuracy of industry classification
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