Praveen Kumar Tripathi is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs as a Director in Indian Companies. The DIN (Director Identification Number) of Praveen Kumar Tripathi is 02167497.
Currently, he/she serves as a director in 10 Companies in India. The companies he/she is associated with are from various industries such as Insurance, Business Services, Trading, Construction, Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and others etc.
Following are the directorship details of Praveen Kumar Tripathi
Other individuals who might be associated with Praveen Kumar Tripathi are:
NAME | DIN (Director Identification Number) |
Surendra Kumar Arya | 00004626 |
Nishant Arya | 00004954 |
Mahesh Kumar Aggarwal | 00004982 |
Kulumani Gopalratnam Krishnamurthy | 00012579 |
Javed Tapia | 00056420 |
Sunish Sharma | 00274432 |
Anuj Gulati | 00278955 |
Shyamm Mariwala | 00350235 |
Sachin Shah | 00387166 |
Aishwarya Katoch | 00557488 |
Prem Prakash Mirdha | 01352748 |
Rashmi Saluja | 01715298 |
Tarana Lalwani | 01940572 |
Valipe Ramgopal Rao | 03279702 |
Kubeir Khera | 03498226 |
Asha Nair | 06363501 |
Pratap Venugopal | 06812788 |
Pravin Tripathi | 06913463 |
Sargam Kataria | 07133394 |
Dhiraj Mohan | 07224934 |
Rishiraj Bharatprakash Khajanchi | 07883033 |
Malay Kumar Sinha | 08140223 |
Sanjay Kumar Rusia | 08143932 |
Gurinder Singh | 08183046 |
Preeti Madan | 08384644 |
Rishi Goyal | 08691287 |
Rahul Mehrotra | 08720917 |
Supriya Bhatnagar | 08731453 |
Hamid Ahmed | 09032137 |
Ranjan Dwivedi | 09185085 |
Akhil Malhotra | 09784585 |
Biju Sushama Vasudevan | 10545181 |
*Industry classification is inferred. If the company has changed line of business without intimating the Registrar or is a diversified business, classification may be different. We make no warranties about accuracy of industry classification
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