Poosapadi Venketrama Raja Nirmala Raju is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs as a Director in Indian Companies. The DIN (Director Identification Number) of Poosapadi Venketrama Raja Nirmala Raju is 00474960.
Currently, he/she serves as a director in 5 Companies in India. The companies he/she is associated with are from various industries such as Finance, Manufacture of textiles, Education, Agriculture and Allied Activities etc.
Following are the directorship details of Poosapadi Venketrama Raja Nirmala Raju
SOUND INVESTMENT AND LEASING PRIVATE LIMITED | Finance | Director | 30 September 2015 | Buy financial reports |
SANDHYA SPINNING MILL LIMITED | Manufacture of textiles | Director | 30 August 1995 | Buy financial reports |
TN APEX SKILL DEVELOPMENT CENTRE FOR CONSTRUCTION AND INFRASTRUCTURE | Education | Director | 23 February 2022 | Buy financial reports |
NIRMALASHANKAR FARMS & ESTATES PRIVATE LIMITED | Agriculture and Allied Activities | Director | 1 June 2023 | Buy financial reports |
RAJAPALAYAM MILLS LIMITED | Manufacture of textiles | Director | 24 April 2019 | Buy financial reports |
Poosapadi Venketrama Raja Nirmala Raju was also associated with the below-mentioned companies that have been now striked off from the Register of Companies.
BAREFOOT DANCE COMPANY INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED | Recreational, cultural and sporting activities | Director | 14 October 2009 | Buy financial reports |
Other individuals who might be associated with Poosapadi Venketrama Raja Nirmala Raju are:
NAME | DIN (Director Identification Number) |
Pusapadi Ramasubramania Raja Venketrama Raja | 00331406 |
Sinthalapadi Srirenga Raja Ramachandra Raja | 00331491 |
Nambur Krishnama Raja Shrikantan Raja | 00350693 |
Kokku Bhaskara Nagendra Murthy | 00359864 |
Ramasubrahmaneya Rajha Sudarsanam | 00433926 |
Poosapadi Sankarraja Alagharraja | 00487312 |
Poosapadi A Sankar Raja Krishnama Raja | 00487322 |
Arrakundal Velayutha Raja Dharmakrishnan | 00693181 |
Gokaraju Venkata Narasimha Raju | 00919532 |
Gokaraju Jhansi Lakshmi | 00919547 |
Kanthimathinathan Subramanian | 01124581 |
Sivaguru Chellappa | 01309727 |
Krishnamma Raja Nambur Shrikantan Raja | 01655571 |
Soundara Kumar | 01974515 |
Sri Sandhya Raju Byrraju | 02325596 |
Prem Shanker | 02582914 |
Rajendran Kirlosh Kumar | 02764491 |
Koshy Varghese | 03141594 |
Reeta Harish Thakkar | 06976936 |
Poosapadi Venketrama Raja Abinavramasubramaniamraj | 07273249 |
Ragavan Viswanath | 09204718 |
Francis Clement Salvadore Innocent Divya | 09432325 |
Rathinasamy Muthusamy | 10391134 |
*Industry classification is inferred. If the company has changed line of business without intimating the Registrar or is a diversified business, classification may be different. We make no warranties about accuracy of industry classification
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