Kishor Kharat is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs as a Director in Indian Companies. The DIN (Director Identification Number) of Kishor Kharat is 07266945.
Currently, he/she serves as a director in 5 Companies in India. The companies he/she is associated with are from various industries such as Other Service activities, Finance, Insurance, Construction, Trading etc.
Following are the directorship details of Kishor Kharat
AMRO BUCONS LLP | Other Service activities | Director | 16 August 2019 | Buy financial reports |
CFM ASSET RECONSTRUCTION PRIVATE LIMITED | Finance | Director | 29 August 2022 | Buy financial reports |
LIC PENSION FUND LIMITED | Insurance | Director | 1 August 2022 | Buy financial reports |
CONSOLIDATED CONSTRUCTION CONSORTIUM LIMITED | Construction | Director | 27 January 2024 | Buy financial reports |
ABIS EXPORTS (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED | Trading | Director | 13 March 2023 | Buy financial reports |
Other individuals who might be associated with Kishor Kharat are:
NAME | DIN (Director Identification Number) |
Sivaraman Narayanaswami | 00001747 |
Arvind Karsandas Bhanushali | 00011903 |
Bahadur Ali | 00157609 |
Sultan Ali | 00157642 |
Zeeshan Bahadur Ali | 00157680 |
Omprakash Ramgopalji Porwal | 00398979 |
Vakati Govindareddy Janarthanam | 00426422 |
Sivaramakrishnan Subramoney | 00431791 |
Ramaswamy Sarabeswar | 00435318 |
Vivek Harinarain | 00870158 |
Vinit Sukhbirsingh Rawat | 01319546 |
Robert William Dobbie | 01792404 |
Zoya Afrin Alam | 02548879 |
Rupinder Singh Sodhi | 03179002 |
Anjum Alvi | 03437049 |
Gopal Singh Gusain | 03522170 |
Sarabeswar Kaushik Ram | 05012877 |
Mukesh Gupta | 06638754 |
Susobhan Sinha | 07181523 |
Sashikala Muralidharan | 08036523 |
Siddhartha Mohanty | 08058830 |
. Hema Gopal | 08732183 |
Debasish Mohanty | 09542862 |
Raghupal Singh | 09583239 |
*Industry classification is inferred. If the company has changed line of business without intimating the Registrar or is a diversified business, classification may be different. We make no warranties about accuracy of industry classification
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