Imran Jafar is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs as a Director in Indian Companies. The DIN (Director Identification Number) of Imran Jafar is 03485628.
Currently, he/she serves as a director in 10 Companies in India. The companies he/she is associated with are from various industries such as Finance, Business Services, Transport and Storage, Education etc.
Following are the directorship details of Imran Jafar
Other individuals who might be associated with Imran Jafar are:
NAME | DIN (Director Identification Number) |
Shailesh Vishnubhai Haribhakti | 00007347 |
Sridhar Rajagopalan | 00024859 |
Gopal Jain | 00032308 |
Nikhil Mahajan | 00033404 |
Gautam Puri | 00033548 |
Sumir Chadha | 00040789 |
Susirkumar Mangalore | 00049374 |
Sanjay Tapriya | 00064703 |
Sudesh Jain | 00064939 |
Ranjit Jayant Shah | 00088405 |
Saumil Majmudar | 00096177 |
Satya Narayanan Ramakrishnan | 00307326 |
Pranav Deepakkumar Kothari | 00385486 |
Sudhakar Gorti | 00615178 |
Madhumita Ganguli | 00676830 |
Prashant Kumar Singh | 00708918 |
Nilesh Patel | 00738518 |
Shikhar Neelkamal Malhotra | 00779720 |
Viraj Tyagi | 01760948 |
Srinivasan Raghavan | 01879735 |
Himanshu Kanubhai Shah | 01920701 |
Abhinav Jain | 02212893 |
Aditya Somani | 03516032 |
Girish Shivani | 03593974 |
Alok Goyal | 05255419 |
Arpit Ratan | 06673269 |
Ankit Ratan | 06770480 |
Saurabh Goel | 07151366 |
Balaji Srinivasa | 07169578 |
Manoj Balan | 08015377 |
Piyush Kharbanda | 08126225 |
Ankur Pandey | 08163212 |
Piyush Sharma | 08759840 |
Madhur Sudhir Gujar | 08812812 |
Sushane Chopra | 09015662 |
David Saul Levin | 09789636 |
*Industry classification is inferred. If the company has changed line of business without intimating the Registrar or is a diversified business, classification may be different. We make no warranties about accuracy of industry classification
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