Hemant Ishwarlal Desai is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs as a Director in Indian Companies. The DIN (Director Identification Number) of Hemant Ishwarlal Desai is 00008531.
Currently, he/she serves as a director in 7 Companies in India. The companies he/she is associated with are from various industries such as Mining and Quarrying, Health and Social Work, Community, Personal and Social Services, Manufacturing (Metals & Chemicals and their products), Manufacture of textiles etc.
Following are the directorship details of Hemant Ishwarlal Desai
RELIANCE OIL AND GAS PRIVATE LIMITED | Mining and Quarrying | Director | 23 February 1996 | Buy financial reports |
HAZIRA AREA HSEF (HEALTH SAFETY ENVIRONMENT & FIRE) FOUNDATION | Health and Social Work | Director | 3 September 2019 | Buy financial reports |
HAZIRA AREA INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION | Community, Personal and Social Services | Director | 11 September 2000 | Buy financial reports |
GUJARAT CHEMICAL PORT LIMITED | Community, Personal and Social Services | Director | 24 October 2008 | Buy financial reports |
RELIANCE OIL AND PETROLEUM PRIVATE LIMIT ED | Manufacturing (Metals & Chemicals and their products) | Director | 20 February 1996 | Buy financial reports |
RELIANCE INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES PRIVATE LIMITED | Manufacturing (Metals & Chemicals and their products) | Director | 21 February 1996 | Buy financial reports |
ALOK INDUSTRIES LIMITED | Manufacture of textiles | Director | 14 September 2020 | Buy financial reports |
Other individuals who might be associated with Hemant Ishwarlal Desai are:
NAME | DIN (Director Identification Number) |
Kamal Nanavaty Pantilal | 00001580 |
Jayesh Biharilal Dholakia | 00004650 |
Rajen Dwarkadas Udeshi | 00006287 |
Satyanarayanamurthy Veera Venkata Korlepara | 00014597 |
Achuthan Siddharth | 00016278 |
Mamta Verma | 01854315 |
Rajendraprasad Jethalal Shah | 01982424 |
Venkataraman Ramachandran | 02032853 |
Madhukant Girdharlal Sanghvi | 02599305 |
Anil Rajbanshi Kumar | 03370674 |
Shanker Natarajan | 05199681 |
Tapas Mitra | 05353855 |
Rajkumar Mullick | 06530175 |
Mumtaz Bandukwala | 07129301 |
Rajkumar Beniwal | 07195658 |
Atikkumar Manilal Desai | 07797563 |
Swaroop Sanandam Prithvi | 08103838 |
Rahul Babulal Gupta | 08572955 |
Santosh Maniklal Mundhada | 08792846 |
Pawan Kumar Mishra | 08815705 |
Rahul Yogendra Dutt | 08872616 |
Sandip Janardhan Sagale | 09002794 |
Nirav Rajesh Parekh | 09505075 |
Shailesh Nigam | 09643946 |
Sanjay Hariprasad Desai | 10096699 |
Murtaza Ismail Shamsi | 10248821 |
Ravindra Sharadchandra Erande | 10357721 |
*Industry classification is inferred. If the company has changed line of business without intimating the Registrar or is a diversified business, classification may be different. We make no warranties about accuracy of industry classification
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