Bommidala Ramakrishna is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs as a Director in Indian Companies. The DIN (Director Identification Number) of Bommidala Ramakrishna is 00105030.
Currently, he/she serves as a director in 7 Companies in India. The companies he/she is associated with are from various industries such as Education, Trading, Hotels and Restaurants, Manufacturing (Tobacco products), Agriculture and Allied Activities, Community, Personal and Social Services etc.
Following are the directorship details of Bommidala Ramakrishna
DIGITAL KEYBOARD PRIVATE LIMITED | Education | Director | 19 July 2013 | Buy financial reports |
A ONE DUTY FREE PRIVATE LIMITED | Trading | Director | 21 December 2010 | Buy financial reports |
HOTEL SHIVAM INTERNATIONAL PVT LTD | Hotels and Restaurants | Director | 5 January 1996 | Buy financial reports |
BOMMIDALA EXPORTS PRIVATE LIMITED | Trading | Director | 13 September 1988 | Buy financial reports |
BOMMIDALA VENTURES PRIVATE LIMITED | Manufacturing (Tobacco products) | Director | 1 October 2009 | Buy financial reports |
BKV INDUSTRIES LIMITED | Agriculture and Allied Activities | Director | 13 February 1993 | Buy financial reports |
BOMMIDALA BROTHERS PRIVATE LTD | Community, Personal and Social Services | Director | 12 February 2024 | Buy financial reports |
Bommidala Ramakrishna was also associated with the below-mentioned companies that have been now striked off from the Register of Companies.
BOMMIDALA HIGHWAYS PRIVATE LIMITED | Construction | Director | 21 December 2010 | Buy financial reports |
BOMMIDALA EXIM PVT LTD. | Trading | Director | 22 November 1988 | Buy financial reports |
BOMMIDALA TOBACCO EXPORTERS PRIVATE LIMITED | Manufacturing (Food products and beverages) | Director | 27 December 1993 | Buy financial reports |
BOMMIDALA INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LIMITED | Construction | Director | 23 December 2010 | Buy financial reports |
BOMMIDALA TOBACCO THRESHERS PRIVATE LIMITED | Manufacturing (Tobacco products) | Director | 30 September 2005 | Buy financial reports |
Other individuals who might be associated with Bommidala Ramakrishna are:
NAME | DIN (Director Identification Number) |
Srinivas Bommidala | 00061464 |
Sri Krishnamurthy Bommidala | 00092974 |
Kasi Viswanadham Bommidala | 00104792 |
Saroja Devi Bommidala | 00105093 |
Anitha Bommidala | 00112766 |
Venkata Raja Srinivas Bommidala | 00385019 |
Sreenivasa Rao Yadlapalli | 00818785 |
Bhanu Murthy Bommidala | 01190364 |
Narayana Murthy Bommidala | 01281814 |
Bommidala Lakshmi Pradeepthi | 06589256 |
Bommidala Prasanna Govindu | 06666118 |
Bommidala Bhanu Prakash Venkatasri | 07084729 |
Maddula Durga Sushma | 09717698 |
Hari Venkata Nagendra Kola | 09718318 |
*Industry classification is inferred. If the company has changed line of business without intimating the Registrar or is a diversified business, classification may be different. We make no warranties about accuracy of industry classification
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