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Use Tofler Company360 for

Competition benchmarking

  • To benchmark your performance, it is essential to know how your competition is doing.
  • With Tofler, compare important financial numbers, operational performance, sources of funds, growth, profit margins, capex and more.
  • Comprehensive information about your competitors helps you better assess both your performance and your opportunities.

Client research

  • Know thy customer is a mantra that we hear repeatedly. But what exactly do you need to know and how?
  • With Tofler, monitor your client’s revenue growth, profit margins, days payable, other business interests, decision makers, major expenses and more.
  • The right information at the right time empowers you in your negotiations with your existing and potential clients.

Vendor onboarding

  • The quality of your vendors determines the success of your business.
  • With Tofler, verify and assess financial strength, growth, genuineness, and capability of your vendors.
  • Choosing the right vendors goes a long way in maintaining continuity and smooth functioning of your business.

Why choose Tofler Company360

Simplified Analysis

Stop trying to make sense of complicated reports and numbers. Tofler provides easy to read business reports alongwith simplified analysis for quick decisions.

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At The Right Time

Don’t spend time waiting for reliable information and analysis on businesses. Get them instantly and get alerted about new developments with Tofler alerts.

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In A Single Place

Eliminate the hassle of collating information from multiple sources. Get all information and analysis at one place with a single click.

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The media relies on Tofler when they want insight and data on emerging industries,
suspicious business activity, startups and innovation. Some of the media houses that rely on us:

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