Rajesh Harichandra Budhrani is registered with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs as a Director in Indian Companies. The DIN (Director Identification Number) of Rajesh Harichandra Budhrani is 01284426.
Currently, he/she serves as a director in 18 Companies in India. The companies he/she is associated with are from various industries such as Trading, Construction, Finance, Real Estate and Renting, Business Services, Manufacturing (Chemicals and chemical products) etc.
Following are the directorship details of Rajesh Harichandra Budhrani
Other individuals who might be associated with Rajesh Harichandra Budhrani are:
NAME | DIN (Director Identification Number) |
Anurag Surana | 00006665 |
Nahoosh Jayvadan Jariwala | 00012412 |
Padmanabh Ramchandra Barpande | 00016214 |
Devidas Naraindas Budhrani | 00026697 |
Harichandra Naraindas Budhrani | 00026874 |
Kavita Harichandra Budhrani | 00027893 |
Nimrata Aroon Dalamal | 00029277 |
Mahesh Purshottam Babani | 00051162 |
Anoop Purshotam Babani | 00185218 |
Nisha Budhrani Purshotamdas | 00192767 |
Subhash Gundappa Kutte | 00233322 |
Bhaktavatsala Rao Doppalapudi | 00356218 |
Kapil Bagla | 00387814 |
Zaki Aziz Hajeebhoy | 00480679 |
Vinaykumar Doppalapudi Rao | 00502279 |
Steven Angelo Pinto | 00871062 |
Sushil Dinesh Shah | 01162595 |
Pooja Harichandra Budhrani | 01662823 |
Dwarko Topandas Khilnani | 01824655 |
Kishin Thakur Wadhwani | 02853084 |
Padma Thakur Wadhwani | 03316352 |
Rajan Sundar Ramakrishnan | 05317973 |
Anuradha Eknath Thakur | 06702919 |
Sumit Maheshwari | 06920646 |
Nilesh Dwarkanath Hindurao | 07914952 |
Sunil Govindrao Chittal | 08424551 |
Deepa Hari Rane | 08590606 |
Ketaki Kedar Bhalerao | 09797238 |
*Industry classification is inferred. If the company has changed line of business without intimating the Registrar or is a diversified business, classification may be different. We make no warranties about accuracy of industry classification
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